Friday, September 20, 2024
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Nigerians continue rioting against economic crisis

Lagos, Nigeria, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Hundreds of Nigerians rioted here on Monday, against the crippling rise in the cost of living.

Since the beginning of August, the street clashes with the police caused the death of over two dozen demonstrators, in addition to hundreds of detainees, according to inaccurate reports.

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu pleaded for the suspension of rallies. His call went unheeded by organizers who labeled the marches as “days of anger and protest” against the “worst cost-of-living crisis ever experienced by Nigeria.”

Nigeria’s economic situation began to deteriorate as soon as President Tinubu took office and decreed the suspension of fuel subsidies as part of a Government plan to balance national finances.

Other triggering elements in the popular explosion are administrative corruption, described as rampant, poor governance, and the well-paid salaries of top civil servants in contrast to the high levels of poverty and hunger among the population.
