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Unions appeal to justice against Uruguayan government measures

Montevideo, Aug 5 (Prensa Latina) Decisions made by the Uruguayan government have been rejected by trade union groups, which are appealing to the country's justice system.

The Sindicato Único de Telecomunicaciones (Sutel) filed an appeal for revocation against the merger of the three main cable operators in Uruguay, decided on July 16 by a resolution signed by President Luis Lacalle Pou.

The workers of the state-owned National Telecommunications Administration (Antel) consider that the merger of the cable operators harms the interests of the public company.

Sutel pointed out that “more than a consortium, it is a monopoly created by the current government to give power to these companies in the framework of a fierce competition against Antel”.

Meanwhile, the Confederación de Organizaciones de Funcionarios del Estado (COFE) is preparing to file an appeal of unconstitutionality against the new medical leave regime for public employees.

This is a measure of the Executive that the Uruguayan union movement took to the International Labor Organization (ILO) and presented before the Administrative Court.

COFE will stage a strike with mobilization in front of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, called for next Wednesday.

According to the union’s president, Martin Pereira, the new regime implemented by the government “establishes a punishment for workers for getting sick”.
