Thursday, September 19, 2024
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India demands total solidarity with Palestinians

New Delhi, Aug 4 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of leftist organizations in India demanded yesterday solidarity from the South Asian country with the Palestinian cause, ending all agreements with the Zionist regime of Israel.

The call glared at a demonstration in New Delhi called by the leaders of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Revolutionary Socialist Party, the All India Forward Bloc and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation. At the rally, speakers called on the central government to close all agreements with the Tel Aviv government, which commits genocide in the occupied territories, mainly in Gaza.

They also advocated an immediate ceasefire and the recognition of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as imposing a military embargo on Israel, on the import and export of arms and military equipment to Tel Aviv and stopping all forms of defense collaboration.

They urgently demanded to halt cooperation with Israel in the supply of Indian labor for industrial activity and to impose legal, diplomatic, financial and economic sanctions on the Zionist government.

The participants also called for invoking the UN special committee against apartheid to put an end to Tel Aviv regime in the Palestinian territories and to make the perpetrators be accountable for their actions.
