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Venezuela rejected US serious and ridiculous statements

Caracas, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela rejected the serious and what it considered even more ridiculous statements attributed to the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in which he pretends to assume the role of the Electoral Power of the Bolivarian country.

A communiqué from the Foreign Affairs Ministry affirmed that this shows that the U.S. Government ‘is at the forefront of the coup d’état’ that is intended against the South American nation, promoting a violent agenda against the Venezuelan people and its institutions.

The Bolivarian Republic ‘denounces, before the international community, governments and social movements of the world, this perverse maneuver, using lies and manipulation, through the great powers of global communication, including the use of social networks’.

With this they try to generate a false narrative -he said- that leads to street violence, executed by criminal groups and fascist organizations, self-styled “comanditos”, who try to terrorize the civilian population, attacking sensitive points of the communities, under the fiction that they want to impose, against the will of the people.

The text pointed out that the institutions, enshrined in the Bolivarian Constitution, ‘have acted preserving the national and popular sovereignty’, and assured that Venezuelan democracy is one of the most robust in the world and no attempt to undermine it will be able to do so.

He stressed that ‘the United States has unsuccessfully tried, for 25 years, to overthrow the Bolivarian Government’ and ratified that ‘they have not been able to, nor will they be able to, all their attempts will succumb to the resolution of a people, who with dignity, fight day by day, building a path towards progress, defeating aggresions and criminal sanctions’.

The Venezuelan people spoke, exercised their right and reiterated their unwavering path of sovereignty, peace and the construction of socialism to guarantee the greatest amount of happiness, it said.

The Foreign Ministry remarked that following Commander Hugo Chavez’s path, the Venezuelan people will know how to face any challenge coming from imperialism.

In this sense, it paraphrased Liberator Simon Bolívar: ‘fortunately, we have often seen a bunch of free men and women defeat powerful empires’. We will win! President Nicolas Maduro reiterated yesterday the willingness to talk with Washington always based on respect for sovereignty and stop threatening ‘we can resume the talks, but on the basis of a single point: compliance with Qatar’, whose agreement he disclosed in his social networks.
