Monday, September 16, 2024
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Legislative initiative in Panama encourages youth labor

Panama City, Aug 1 ( Prensa Latina) A bill to encourage youth employment is being considered today by the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) of Panama, in view of the high unemployment rates in this age group.

The initiative, proposed by independent deputy Yamireliz Chong, of the Vamos coalition, is aimed primarily at eliminating the barriers affecting young people, facilitating their integration in both the private and public sectors, in order to promote the comprehensive development of this population segment.

Chong said that the project responds to a problem identified by the National Institute of Statistics and Census of the Comptroller General of the Republic, which indicates that 54 percent of the unemployed in Panama are young people, which is equivalent to approximately 84 000 people.

He indicated that the proposal seeks to correct the lack of job opportunities for young recent graduates who, despite having the appropriate qualifications, do not have the experience required by the current labor market.

Among the measures highlighted in the document, it is established that public institutions and private companies with more than 50 employees must have a minimum of 4.0 percent of young people without experience, which means that for every 50 workers, there must be a minimum of two employees with this characteristic.

The Congresswoman for free postulation indicated that this policy has given results in other nations of the region such as Colombia, as well as Italy, Spain and Sweden, where more than 24 million young people have benefited from it.

Official figures indicate that in Panama between May 2022 and August of last year, about 25,662 young people between 15 and 29 years old found jobs, 6,313 lost them and 84,569 looked for a job, but without results.
