Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Lebanon’s Hezbollah announces new phase of battle against Israel

Beirut, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the Lebanese Resistance (Hezbollah), Hassan Nasrallah, announced the beginning of a new phase in the confrontation against the Israeli-American war in the region.

“We are in a big battle in which things have gone beyond the question of support fronts,” Nasrallah stressed, speaking at the farewell ceremony for commander Fouad Shukr (Hajj Mohsen), who was killed on Tuesday in an attack on a residential building in the southern suburb of this capital.

According to the Lebanese political and military reference, the attack on the southern suburb of Beirut is not a response to what happened in Majdal Shams, “but part of the aggression and the battle on its northern front.”

Incidentally, Nasrallah denounced the deception and falsification of accusing the martyr Hajj Mohsen of being responsible for the children of Majdal Shams, in reference to the Israeli maneuver of holding Hezbollah responsible for the killing of 12 civilians in the occupied Syrian Golan village last Saturday.

On this point, he specified that Hezbollah has the courage and bravery to admit it if it was their mistake and “the enemy appointed itself prosecutor, judge and executioner.”
