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Arab League denounces Israeli escalation and assassination policy

Cairo, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) Secretary general of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit denounced recent Israeli attacks against Beirut and Tehran, considering that it will cause a dangerous escalation of violence in the Middle East.

Israel “is practicing a reckless policy without foreseeing the serious consequences that may affect the region as a result of its actions,” the official warned in a statement.

Gheit affirmed that assassinations are acts that violate international law and norms. “Israel’s actions demonstrate its contempt for international laws and the rules that regulate relations between States,” he stressed, and called on the world to pressure Israel to “avoid a regional explosion.”

On Tuesday, the Israeli Air Force killed seven people in an air strike on a building in southern Beirut, including Fouad Shukr, one of Hizbullah’s top military leaders. Hours later, the top figure of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in similar circumstances in Tehran.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed yesterday that Shukr was killed in retaliation for an attack on the occupied Syrian Golan that killed 12 minors, which Israel blamed Hezbollah, even though the Lebanese group denied any involvement.

Both the Shiite militia and Iranian authorities vowed revenge for the attacks.
