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Russian scientist sets record for stay on ice floe

Moscow, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) The Russian researcher, Fyodor Koniukhov, set a new world record for staying alone in a polar research station, located on a drifting ice floe, the newspaper Vzagliad reported.

According to the report, Koniukhov was on the ice floe near the North Pole for 20 days, 22 hours and 45 minutes, during which he traveled 239 kilometers, a record in terms of time and distance traveled.

The drift began on July 9 in the Western Hemisphere, and on July 30, Koniukhov boarded the Russian nuclear icebreaker “50 Let Pobedy”.

During the time spent on the drifting ice floe, the researcher obtained, in harsh weather conditions, exceptionally clear records of seismic activity on the Arctic Ocean floor.

The note points out that the scientist worked accompanied by thick fog, low clouds with sleet, hail, and freezing rain, and wind speeds that often reached 60 kilometers per hour, while the sun rose only a few times for a few hours.

In 2021 Koniukhov already made a solo drift in the North Pole area, an occasion on which he spent two weeks.
