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Protest in Argentina against elimination of scientific scholarships

Buenos Aires, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Argentine State Workers Association (ATE) will hold a protest today at the Polo Científico, in this capital, against the elimination of more than 200 postdoctoral scholarships.

The demonstration will start at 10:30, local time, and participants will denounce the reduction of training programs, layoffs at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet), the defunding and dismantling of educational and development centers, among other measures of Javier Milei’s government.

Under the slogan “Without science there is no sovereignty”, workers and students will also demand the restart of interrupted training initiatives, the reinstatement of expelled employees and a salary increase.

In addition, they will demand a raise in the budget and the enabling of funding mechanisms for the sector.

In March of this year, more than 60 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, Economics, Medicine and Physics expressed their concern about the impact of the measures of the leader of La Libertad Avanza, on the development of Argentina.

In a letter addressed to the President, renowned researchers from several nations warned that these sectors are approaching “a dangerous precipice” in this country, which would affect the people and the world.
