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Mexico refuses to attend OAS meeting on Venezuela

Mexico City, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stressed today that Mexico will not participate in the meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) that will deal with the situation in Venezuela after elections.

“We do not agree with the biased attitude of the OAS,” said the head of state this morning before the call for this Wednesday.

He warned that “before knowing the results, the director of the OAS had already recognized one of the candidates without any proof. So why are we going to a meeting like this? That is not serious, it is not responsible, it does not help find a peaceful, democratic solution to a conflict in a Latin American country.”

For the president of Mexico, this call by the OAS and the positions of several countries that are part of that organization in relation to the internal affairs of Venezuela, is interventionism.

“Enough of that. Enough of interventionism. Venezuela’s problems have stagnated. No solution has been found because there is too much interference. People from abroad intervene,” he emphasized.

After last Sunday’s elections, where the National Electoral Council declared Nicolás Maduro president-elect, extremist sectors of the right, led by the disqualified candidate María Corina Machado, deny the results and generate a large media campaign against the process.

Faced with such questions, calls for violence and diplomatic friction, Maduro today presented an appeal for protection before the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) with the objective of clarifying and stopping the attacks that the country suffers.

In statements to the press after presenting his argument before the Board of Directors of the TSJ, the president requested that an electoral dispute be activated and expressed his willingness to be summoned, questioned, investigated in all its parts, by said body as the presidential candidate who won the elections.

The appeal for the peace of the country, he stressed, is contained in the Magna Carta, in the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and the Organic Law of the TSJ, in order to settle this attack against the electoral process and attempted coup d’état.

He denounced that the electoral process of July 28 was used for this purpose, in which he was the winner with 51.20 percent of the votes, and that “everything that needs to be clarified about these attacks and the process” is to be clarified.

The purpose is to compare all the elements of proof and certify through “a very high technical level of expertise, the electoral results of the July 28 elections.”
