Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Xi Jinping congrats Maduro, reiterates China’s support for Venezuela

Beijing, Jul 30 (Prensa Latina) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday congratulated Nicolas Maduro on his electoral victory in Venezuela and reiterated Beijing's support for the "just struggle against external interference."

In his message, Xi praised Maduro’s leadership in seeking a development path in line with his country’s national conditions and “achieving remarkable achievements to build the nation.”

“China and Venezuela are friends of mutual trust and common development partners,” he added, and stressed the Chinese Government’s support for Caracas’ efforts “to safeguard its national sovereignty, national dignity, social stability, and just struggle against external interference.”

Xi Jinping stressed his high regard for bilateral relationship and expressed his willingness to work with President Maduro “to continue to push the China-Venezuela comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights to benefit both countries.”

Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry sent a congratulatory message “for the successful holding of the presidential elections,” particularly Nicolas Maduro for his reelection.

Spokesman Lin Jian stressed the friendship and support that exists between the two countries, and recalled that 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries
