Thursday, September 19, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Large majority of Chileans support building maximum security prison

Santiago de Chile, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) A large majority of Chileans support the construction of a maximum security prison for organized crime leaders, according to the results of A Plaza Pública Cadem survey.

The survey indicates that 68 percent of the respondents consider the prison “very important” to combat crime.

However, 88 out of 100 respondents, think that the facility should be far from large urban centers.

The government recently announced that the prison would be located in the south of the commune of Santiago, where the Justice Center and several prisons are currently located.

The mayor of Santiago, Irací Hassler, opposed the proposal and recalled that the municipality houses the largest prison complex in the country. Neighbors have begun a campaign to collect signatures to reject the initiative.
