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India and Saudi Arabia review investment promotion measures

New Delhi, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) India and Saudi Arabia reviewed in detail the measures to promote bilateral investments for mutual benefit to realize opportunities in various areas of the public and private sectors, officials said.

At the first meeting of the High Level Working Group of both countries, held virtually, participants analyzed possibilities related to refining and petrochemical plants, renewable energy, petroleum, renewable energy, telecommunications and innovation.

P.K. Mishra, principal secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reiterated his government’s readiness to actively support Saudi investments to the tune of 100 billion dollars.

With the participation of the Saudi minister of Energy, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Working Group also reviewed the issues analyzed by its technical teams.

It was learned at the meeting that an Indian delegation from the oil sector will visit Saudi Arabia for follow-up talks.

Similarly, the Indian representation invited their Saudi counterparts to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund office in the largest South Asian nation.

Created in 2023 at the direction of high authorities from both countries, the High Level Working Group is a special body to facilitate bilateral investments and is composed of ministers, secretaries of economic affairs, trade and foreign affairs, among other areas.
