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Western preparations for war are going fast, Serbia says

Belgrade, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Western countries are preparing for a direct clash with Russia much faster than many people think, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned on TV Pink.

The European Union and the United States would like to carry out military operations at a distance, through someone else, but now they are not prepared for a direct conflict with the Russian Federation.

Will they do it? I think people in the East, Russia and Serbia are deluded when they think they won’t, he said.

They are not ready at the moment, but I think they will be ready and they are looking for a conflict with Russia much faster than many want to see.

Vucic added that Serbia is aware of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military preparations and how they are carried out.

Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda argued that Russia’s victory in Ukraine could lead to a war with NATO.

For his part, Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov then called the Polish leader’s statement a manifestation of arrogance.

He urged Duda to think about how the people of his country would react to such a scenario.
