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Syria supports ICJ ruling on occupied Palestine

Damascus, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Monday welcomed the decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the illegality of Israel's policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The ICJ ruled last Friday that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal and contrary to the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.

The Court further considered that Israel must immediately cease the construction of settlements, evacuate all settlers from the occupied territories and repeal all laws and measures that create or maintain the illegal situation.

The court noted that Israel’s legislation and measures violate Article 3 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Apartheid.

The judges also asked all United Nations member States not to recognize changes on the ground, refrain from providing aid to the Zionist government to maintain this illegal presence, and distinguish between Israel and the occupied territories.

“The publication of this important resolution is an impetus for immediate action to end this occupation,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, in which it noted that the measure reaffirms the international will not to recognize the situation resulting from Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and asks not to provide aid or assistance for its continuation.

The Foreign Ministry denounced the United States’ criticism of this resolution, and assured that Washington’s reaction demonstrates its diligence in providing an umbrella of protection to Israel, and its continued support for the ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinian people.

Moreover, the Ministry expressed full support for the struggle of the Palestinian people to recover their occupied territory and enjoy their inalienable rights, including their right to establish their independent State with Jerusalem as its capital, and get full membership in the United Nations.
