Monday, September 16, 2024
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US Latino voters doubt Biden and Trump on key issues

Washington, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) Latino registered voters for the 2024 US presidential elections today distrust both Joe Biden and Donald Trump on key issues, a Pew Research Center survey revealed.

Equal shares of Latino registered voters say they would vote for Biden and Trump in the 2024 election. About 36 percent of them say they would lean toward each candidate if the election were held now.

Meanwhile, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. garnered the support of 24 percent, confirming that he has more sympathy among this group than among U.S. voters overall (15 percent).

The economy and inflation rank at the top of the issues that matter most to Latino voters in 2024.

Just over half of them (52 percent) say they are confident Trump will make good decisions compared to four in 10 who express similar views about Biden.

The score also shifted on issues such as foreign policy, immigration and abortion, and to a question about honesty, 55 percent described Biden very or somewhat goo, while only 30 percent felt the same way about Trump.

According to statistics, from 2016 to 2024, the number of Latinos eligible to vote increased from 27 million to a projected 36 million, and that demographic is forecast to represent 14.7 percent of all eligible voters in November of this year, which would represent a new high.

The Pew Research Center’s poll of the Latino vote was conducted after the June 27 presidential debate that showed Biden performing poorly and before the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.

While the electoral campaign is experiencing signs of unity among the Republicans after the national convention where Trump’s candidacy and that of his running mate JD Vance was made official, the Democrats are going through tumultuous waters.

Calls continue for Biden to drop out of the race, an option he has so far rejected. At least 35 Democrats in the U.S. Congress urged the president to make way for another candidate with a chance of beating the Republican in November.
