Friday, September 06, 2024
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Syrian drones kill terrorists, destroy their supplies

Damascus, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) At least seven armed terrorists were killed today and others were wounded in attacks with kamikaze drones of the Syrian Armed Forces, in the northern province of Idlib, some 350 kilometers northwest of this capital.

According to military sources consulted by Prensa Latina, 12 unmanned aerial vehicles attacked vehicles and deployment points of irregular groups in the south and southeast axes of the Jabal Al-Zawiya plateau, south of Idlib.

Other attacks targeted radicals in the vicinity of Al-Nairab town and the localities of Benin, Shannan and Frika.

Last Friday, Army units repelled an attack by terrorist groups on their positions in the north of the neighboring province of Hama.

The Defense Ministry reported that military units operating on the southern front of Idlib destroyed weapons, ammunition and war vehicles of the radical groupings.

Syria faces a war imposed since 2011 and although its army, with the support of its allies Russia and Iran, liberated most of the national territory from the radicals, some attacks occur that Damascus attributes to groups supported from abroad to continue destabilizing the country.
