Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Sudden cholera outbreak shocks Nigerian authorities

Abuja, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) Nigerian health authorities are struggling today to contain a sudden cholera outbreak throughout this vast West African country, according to initial reports.

Usually the appearance of infectious diseases “warns” with some cases in specific areas and gives time to adopt containment measures, but this time the disease appeared without warning and in almost all the national territory, which makes it more dangerous.

Immediately, spokespersons from the Ministry of Health urged the population to increase environmental hygiene measures in the handling of solid and liquid food to avoid the spread of the disease, which is highly transmissible.

Frequent hand washing and hygienic water and food preparation practices are crucial to stop the spread, Dr. Adewale Adeleye, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, said in a press release.

He also informed that under the current circumstances mass vaccination is not advisable because cholera immunization is designed for specific risk groups and its effect diminishes after two to three years of being applied.
