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Available information on failed coup stands out in Bolivia

La Paz, July 19 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, today described as great information the data collected by the National Intelligence Directorate in the investigations into the failed military coup of June 26 in Bolivia.

He informed the owner that more than 75 cell phones obtained by that specialized body will be analyzed with the aim of collecting elements that contribute to clarifying the facts.

“The majority of people (owners of the devices) -stated the minister – have not deleted their conversations, they have not deleted the images and information found inside (the cell phone).”

He indicated that the devices will be analyzed by computer experts from the Scientific Technical Research Institute of the Police University (Iitcup).

“We are waiting for fiscal requirements to seize these equipment and prosecute this information, so that members of the Iitcup can prepare their technical expert reports,” he said.

Under this logic, del Castillo estimated that, next week, the population will probably be informed about when the coup was planned, where the meetings took place and where those involved worked, since the National Intelligence Directorate found valuable information.

He assured that those involved expand their statements, present images and videos of the failed coup plot.

Del Castillo met this Friday with journalists who covered Murillo Square, the country’s political epicenter, on June 26.

The Attorney General of Bolivia, Juan Lanchipa, confirmed this Thursday that a statement was requested from President Luis Arce about the failed military coup, as well as from other ministers who have already appeared.

For his part, del Castillo confirmed that several political authorities have already provided the corresponding statements, including him, and stressed that other vice-presidents will be summoned in the following week because they had direct experience of what happened.

On June 26, hundreds of soldiers under the command of former Army chief Juan José Zúñiga, reinforced with tanks and war-caliber artillery, occupied Murillo Square with the aim of seizing power.

Arce’s decision to confront this attack, the citizen mobilization broadcast live by the mass media and the international support of other governments conjured up the previously planned military action.

After the failure of the attempt, Zúñiga, his accomplice and his subordinates were apprehended, and as of this Friday there are 27 people detained, of which 25 are active military or passive reserve.

For his part, the prosecutor in the case, Franklin Alborta, maintained that as part of this criminal file, 34 people, including military and civilians, are being investigated.
