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45th anniversary of Nicaraguan Revolution highlighted in Panama

Panama City, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) El Periódico de Panamá highlights the social impact in the region of the Revolution in Nicaragua on July 19, 1979, which it describes as one of the most glorious and significant in Latin America.

The article by Professor Jaime Flores emphasizes that an important group of men and women, supported by the people, put an end 45 years ago to the bloody and atrocious dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza, under the banner of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN).

About the epic, the historian also refers that many were the patriots who in the fateful years of U.S. interventionism raised their voice of protest and weapons, the most prominent of all and symbol of the anti-imperialist struggle, General Augusto Cesar Sandino.

The scholar also recalls that Panama shares with Nicaragua a common history of friendship and solidarity that has grown stronger with the passage of time.

During the Somoza dictatorship, he points out, the Victoriano Lorenzo Brigade, made up of brave Panamanians, traveled to that Central American nation to take up arms against the dictator.

Flores comments that despite Washington’s aggressions in the continent towards Nicaragua and other countries in the region, such as Cuba and Venezuela, the struggle continues on the part of workers, peasants, indigenous people and students who will not cease to oppose interventionism and to speak out in favor of social justice, with equity and equality.
