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Serbia decries anti-Russian character of European political Community

London, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) The summit of the European Political Community only heard diatribes against Russia, denounced today the Serbian president, Alexander Vucic, after attending the event in this capital.

Statements that Ukraine must win in the conflict with Russia prevailed during the summit and it seemed more like an enlarged meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in which everyone was saying: Ukraine must win, said Vucic, quoted here by the press.

Beyond the calls for Moscow’s defeat, no one talked about how to reach talks or a solution to the problem, the Serbian head of state stressed.

The head of state also referred to a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, with whom he discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and complained that the summit heard many attacks on the figure of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.

The reaction of the head of the European Union and of several states of the region to Orban’s visit to Kiev, where he met with Zelensky, and to Moscow, for talks with President Vladimir Putin, was to call for a boycott of the Magyar presidency at the head of the community entity.

Vucic considered that the EU’s position of taking actions to achieve a defeat of Russia at any cost represents a huge damage to the European states themselves.

On February 24, 2022, Putin ordered a war operation to protect the uprising region of Donbas, and since then the Western powers have stepped up the economic war against Russia, although the boycott on the purchase of its energy products had a negative boomerang effect. abo/ef/ro/to