Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Ordinary session of Parliament continues in Cuba

Havana, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) The Third Ordinary Session of the National People’s Power Assembly of Cuba (ANPP, Parliament) continues its second day here, where debates on transcendental issues for the life of the nation are the center of discussion.

Filled with numerous legislative and economic issues, the agenda this Thursday includes the debate on the auditing of the Ministry of Food Industry and the accountability of the Ministry of Domestic Trade.

Also to be elected are the lay judges for the Supreme People’s Court, the highest judicial authority in the country, which is accountable to the Assembly for the results of its work and has six chambers of justice.

The Court includes structures to deal with criminal cases, civil and administrative problems, crimes against state security, labor plots, economic issues and military matters.

On the other hand, the accountability of the government of Villa Clara, the nation’s central province, and the debate for the approval of the draft bill of the Law on Transparency and Access to Information are scheduled to take place.

The evaluation of the opinion of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Environment Committees should close the day’s agenda. During the first day, on Wednesday, the deputies discussed the Government’s actions to boost the economy, the economic report for the first half of the year and the report on the execution of the State budget for 2024, among other issues.

Prior to that date, last Monday and Tuesday, the deputies analyzed in 11 permanent commissions the main problems of Cuba, with emphasis on the economic performance and social programs.

The Third Ordinary Period of Sessions of Parliament, in its 10th Legislature, began the day before and should conclude next Saturday.
