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New protests in Ecuador against fuel price hikes

Quito, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) New protests are taking place in Ecuador on Thursday against the increase in fuel prices, a measure imposed by President Daniel Noboa that, according to the demonstrators, makes life more expensive for citizens.

In Quito, members of the National Union of Educators (UNE), the United Workers Front (FUT), the Popular Front and the Federation of University Students of Ecuador blocked the streets and burned tires, while chanting “Gasoline goes up, everything goes up.”

On Tuesday, a group of Ecuadorians blocked a stretch of the Panamericana Sur highway, in the province of Cotopaxi, in rejection of the increase in gasoline prices.

Local media reported that the demonstrators stopped traffic by burning tires, whole bearing banners and chanting slogans against the measure, imposed since the elimination of fuel subsidies on June 28.
