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Chilean president cancels participation in Olympic Games

Santiago, Chile, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Chilean President Gabriel Boric on Thursday announced the cancellation of his participation in the Olympic Games in Paris order to supervise the measures to confront crime personally.

Boric made the decision after a meeting of the Pro Security Cabinet, convened after 17 people, including four teenagers aged 13-17, were shot dead in recent days in the Santiago Metropolitan Region.

The president announced the construction of a maximum security prison in that region, with a capacity for 500 inmates, for the effective control of organized gang leaders.

In order to speed up construction, he will send a bill to the National Congress next week to exempt the construction of the prison from the usual permits for this kind of institutions.

I hope to count on collaboration and the sense of urgency in this matter,” said Boric, many of his initiatives have been blockade by the opposition in Parliament.

The Pro Security Cabinet was attended by Ministers Carolina Toha (Interior), Maya Fernandez (Defense), Mario Marcel (Finance), Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, and his counterpart for Crime Prevention, Eduardo Vergara, among other officials.
