Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Fernando Ortiz: compass to understand Cuban identity (+Photos)

Havana, July 17 (Prensa Latina) The validity and value of the legacy of the Cuban wise man Fernando Ortiz was highlighted in this capital during the IV Colloquium that bears his name, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Route of Enslaved People.

The president of the Fernando Ortiz Foundation, Miguel Barnet, at the opening of the event at the Cuban Institute of Literature and Linguistics, considered this figure and his work as a compass to understand Cuban identity.

He highlighted that the greatness of this wise man, who would be 143 years old today, lies in his vision, which many of his contemporaries did not have, to understand in a greater, ontological and philosophical dimension, what is Cuban, the evolutionary processes of the national culture. and what differences there are between cubanía and cubanidad.

Also at the opening of this colloquium, under the premise Resistance, freedom and heritage, Barnet expressed the will to continue efforts so that Ortiz’s work is considered by UNESCO as a memory of the world.

Along the same lines, the director of the José Antonio Portuondo Institute of Literature and Linguistics, Lorena Hernández, pointed out that work is being done to create a digital repository that contains Ortiz’s legacy, facilitate access to his work and protect documents that have value. patrimonial.

During the day, a panel was held on the topic of slavery in its various manifestations over the course of several centuries in Cuba, the illegal trafficking of enslaved people and the emancipated, with interventions by scholars and specialists.

Exhibitions of Ortiz’s manuscripts were also held, the scholarship that bears his name was awarded, and the presentation of Catauro Magazine no. 41.

Finally, the signing of the collaboration agreement between the Fernando Ortiz Foundation and the José Antonio Portuondo Valdor Institute of Literature and Linguistics was finalized.

According to the signatories, the fundamental objective is to preserve the legacy of the considered third discoverer of Cuba, to praise the joint work of the institutions involved in this endeavor and to ensure that this heritage is accessible for current and future generations.
