Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Nicolas Maduro warns about latent threats of violence in Venezuela

Caracas, 16 (Prensa Latina) The candidate for the Great Patriotic Pole, Nicolas Maduro, has warned the Venezuelan people and the international community about latent threats of violence in the presidential elections.

During a campaign rally in the town of San Felix, Bolívar state (center), the head of State, who is seeking re-election and a third consecutive term in office, noted that the Venezuelan extreme right wing ‘is looking for a hecatomb, a tragedy, something strong that will change the course of what is going to happen on July 28.’

The president warned the evil and surname right wing that what is going to happen that day has already been written, in reference to a great victory predicted by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) based on the numbers that they say they have in the 1X10X7 electoral system.

Come rain, thunder or lighting, we are going to have the greatest electoral victory in the history of Venezuela,’ he stressed.

Maduro called on the people to be vigilant and to keep their eyes and ears open for any destabilizing attempts.

He added in this regard that the 1X10X7, which brings together all the revolutionary and Chavista forces, ‘is the guarantee that we will have the fascists respect us.’

The head of State insisted that the right to peace and the future must be respected, and pointed out that the opposition only appears when there are elections and they come with empty promises because they have no capacity or projects, they are ‘a bunch of sham faces people,’ Maduro pointed out.

As part of his election campaign throughout the country, the so-called Homeland’s candidate held another rally in Ciudad Bolívar, in the same state, where he referred to the hate campaign against Venezuelan women by representatives of the national far-right wing abroad.

He described them as misogynists and racists for denigrating women through social networks.

He called for this new awakening of history to be turned into votes on July 28, because through it, the nation’s peace, security and freedom can be assured.
