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The accused testify in Brazilian councilwoman’s assassination

Brasilia, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of Brazil's Supreme Federal Court, authorized two people implicated in the murder of councilwoman Marielle Franco in 2018 to testify today and tomorrow in the Chamber of Deputies.

De Moraes empowered Rivaldo Barbosa, former chief of the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro, and Domingos Brazão, former councilor of the Court of Auditors of that territorial division, to issue their testimonies.

The hearings will be held by videoconference and will be coordinated by the Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum of the Lower House.

Barbosa and Brazão, who will testify publicly for the first time, have been detained since March for their involvement in the crime.

Thirteen shots from a high-precision HK MP5 submachine gun, used only by elite police forces, hit the vehicle in which Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes were traveling on the night of March 14, 2018, in Rio. The councilwoman was returning home after participating in a debate with young black women, when her car was shot at: she was shot in the head and the driver in the back.

In June, Barbosa and Brazão were indicted in the Supreme Court for the crimes of murder and criminal organization.

In addition to the two, Domingos’ brother, Chiquinho Brazão, federal deputy for Rio, also responds for the bloodshed. All three deny the charges.

The Ethics Committee of the Assembly will investigate whether there was a violation of parliamentary decorum in the case of Chiquinho Brazão, who is accused of being one of the perpetrators of the attack.
