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Syrian president takes initiatives to improve relations with Turkiye

Damascus, July 15 (Prensa Latina) President Bashar Al-Assad declared today that Syria has treated positively the initiatives carried out by third parties to normalize relations between Damascus and Ankara.

In statements to journalists after his vote in the legislative elections that the nation is witnessing, the President said he is not opposed to a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan as long as it leads to positive results represented in the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syrian territory and eradicate terrorism.

Positive progress must be based on clear principles represented by compliance with International Law and respect for Syrian sovereignty, Al-Assad said.

He revealed that meetings with the Turkish side have not stopped and continue, and some mediators organized meetings at the level of security officials, and assured Damascus was very positive in this regard.

When a meeting with the Turkish side occurs, Damascus will announce it and nothing will remain a secret, the president assured. We are not hesitant or arrogant but pursue our own interests in accordance with clear principles, he clarified.

The Foreign Ministry recently expressed its gratitude and appreciation to the countries that mediate and make efforts aimed at restoring relations between Syria and Türkiye, interrupted since 2011.

Through a statement, the Ministry clarified that any initiative in this field must be built on clear bases that guarantee the achievement of concrete results.

The recovery of normal relations, the withdrawal of forces illegally present in Syrian territory and the fight against terrorist groups that not only threaten the security of Syria but also that of Turkiye are the desired results, he specified.

The Turkish president recently stated he is willing to meet with his Syrian counterpart to launch a new phase of relations.

The two neighboring countries have had their relations interrupted since the start of the war in 2011, and Russia and Iran’s efforts at reconciliation culminated last year with the meeting in Moscow of the foreign ministers of these two neighboring nations.
