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Campaign against decree by Argentine president continues

Buenos Aires, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Workers' Central Union-Autonomous (CTA-A) and other union and social organizations are promoting a campaign against the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) 70/2023, signed by president Javier Milei in December.

Under the motto “A firm people against the DNU,” the initiative is collecting signatures to achieve the annulment by the Chamber of Deputies and the Supreme Court.

Among the groups supporting the campaign against the Executive’s policies are Unidad Popular, the State Workers Association, the Peace and Justice Service, the Center for Legal and Social Studies, the League for Human Rights, the Argentine Judicial Federation, the Coordinator against Police and Institutional Repression, Hijos, the American Association of Jurists, the Communist Party, the Popular Liberation Movement and Patriotic Encounter, among others.

The decree is the main legal instrument used by the Government. The newly created Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State has already issued three resolutions that are supported by it: two referring to the airline market, which affect Aerolíneas Argentinas; and one related to the energy system that eliminates the intervention of the Wholesale Electricity Market Management Company in the relationship between producers and generators, according to a statement from the CTA-A.

The DNU also expands the legislative powers delegated to the president by the Bases Law and the matters in which Milei can intervene without discussing absolutely anything with Parliament, putting everything related to the administration of the State in emergency for four years.
