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name of Prensa Latina
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Diplomats in Cuba express loyalty to the people and the country

Havana, July 13 (Prensa Latina) The Foreign Minister of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, highlighted today the attachment to the principles of loyalty to the people and the country, expressed abroad by heads of missions of the Caribbean country abroad.

The day before at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex), the closing of the Annual Meeting of representatives of the island’s diplomatic legations in the world took place, where “they recognized the most outstanding ones,” the head of that portfolio disclosed in .

Rodríguez also urged those in charge of missions to “continue working with dedication and efforts on the country’s priorities for the period 2024-2025.”

During the work meeting, the diplomats signed the Code of Ethics of the Cadres of the Cuban Revolution, as “an expression of their attachment to the principles of the revolution, loyalty to the people of Cuba and fidelity to the country,” the chancellor wrote.
