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Haiti: Transitional Council gives first steps to form government

Port-au-Prince, Jul 12 (Prensa Latina) Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council (CPT) on Friday began to give the first steps to form the Provisional Election Council (CEP), which will be in charge of carrying out the future general elections.

The Haiti Libre digital newspaper informed that the CPT sent a letter to nine sectors that should have a representative in the CEP, including Vodou, the Episcopal Conference, Reformed Cults, and the University Council.

Also included are human rights organizations, journalists’ associations, women’s rights, farmers’ associations, and the trade union sector.

The person representing the human rights sector will be chosen by the Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organizations and the Organization of Citizens for a New Haiti.

Each sector has eight days to submit the name of its representative, and it expects that the parties also promote women’s participation.

As the Constitution establishes, the CPT will publish the list of the CEP members within a maximum of 60 days.
