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Transport union ratifies stoppage of activities in Ecuador

Quito, July 11 (Prensa Latina) The manager of the National Federation of Public Passenger Transport (Fenacotip) of Ecuador, Abel Gómez, ratified the suspension of its activities on July 16th and 17th in the Andean country.

The union that brings together transport bus cooperatives at the national level, detailed they will “turn off engines” despite the fact that two other unions, the National Federation of Heavy Transport (Fenatrape) and the National Federation of Light Transport (Fenacotrali) announced agreements with the Government of Daniel Noboa.

“We are sure that this will attract the attention of the Government,” the Fenacotip representative told the Teleamazonas channel.

Gómez warned that in addition to the constant assaults on buses on the roads, the representatives of the cooperatives are victims of extortion in order to work.

The day before, the Vice Minister of Government, Esteban Torres, reported that from today they will increase police and military controls on some of the most important routes in response to the demand of the transporters who announced a national strike.

In his account on the social network X, Torres maintained that the dialogues with that union continue and assured that they reached agreements on security.

A single organization decided to “turn off the engines” for 48 hours, which does not mean paralysis or road closures, the official said.

In his opinion, the announcement of the strike for July 16 and 17 was surprising, since this group was present at the previous dialogue tables and knew that today the most requested table by themselves would be installed, the security table. .

In a press conference held this Tuesday, the members of Fenacotip regretted that the work tables established with the Executive were not effective.

We are fed up with insecurity and being victims of economic depression after the elimination of fuel subsidies, denounced the representative of Fenacotip.

After the elimination of subsidies for Extra and Ecopaís gasoline on June 28, the Executive implemented a dialogue table with transporters to analyze compensation for that sector.

However, this benefit included mainly the owners of light vehicles, such as taxi drivers.

In turn, the president of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Heavy Transport (Cetrape), Álex Ayala, denounced that so far this year, 240 transporters were victims of kidnapping, robbery, and murder, while others remain missing. Ayala reiterated that after the declaration of internal armed conflict, although the military presence increased, it focused on the cities, but “it left the roads of Ecuador in complete abandonment, the vulnerable transporters with loads exceeding 200 thousand dollars.”

In Ecuador, the declaration of internal armed conflict is in force, a provision with which President Daniel Noboa accompanied another state of emergency measure at the national level last January to curb insecurity and organized crime.

Despite the military presence and the fact that according to the authorities crimes have decreased, reports of violent deaths, kidnappings and extortions persist.
