Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Presidents of Vietnam and Laos seek to improve cooperation

Vientiane, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) The presidents of Vietnam, To Lam, and Laos, Thongloun Sisoulith, started official talks to strengthen and improve the efficiency of comprehensive bilateral cooperation.

According to the announced program, at the end of the talks, both presidents will witness the signing of several cooperation agreements between the two countries.

During his stay in Vientiane, To Lam will also meet with Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone; the head of the National Assembly, Saysomphone Phomvihane; and the leaders of the Lao Front for National Construction and the Laos–Vietnam Friendship Association.

He will also attend an official reception and visit the Vietnamese Embassy, among other activities.

Government and diplomatic sources from both countries noted that To Lam’s selection of Laos as the first destination on his first trip abroad demonstrates the importance and priority given by Vietnam to relations of great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Laos.

The tour of Laos and Cambodia marks a new stage in the development of relations among the three Southeast Asian countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, effective collaboration, and respect for each other’s interests, the Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet said.

Economic and commercial cooperation and investments between both nations continues to undergo positive changes. The volume of bilateral trade exceeded 1.64 billion dollars in 2023 and it already reached 620 million dollars in the first four months of this year.

Vietnam has 241 valid investment projects in Laos, with a registered capital of around 5.5 billion dollars, ranking third among all countries and territories with capital invested.
