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NATO is de facto involved in Ukrainian conflict, Russia denounces

Moscú, 11 jul (Prensa Latina) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is de facto fully involved in the Ukrainian conflict, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in this capital on Thursday.

In his opinion, it is high time to call things by their name, added the spokesman, who also commented on the statement from the recent NATO Summit in Washington, saying that that Russia’s adversaries in Europe and the United States “are not in favor of dialogue” and peace in Ukraine.

The North Atlantic Alliance is an instrument of confrontation and not of peace and security, and in the West, there are leaders who have a more realistic point of view; however, they find it very difficult to make their voices heard, Peskov said.

Russia criticizes Western arms supplies to Ukraine, claiming that they complicate the resolution of the conflict and directly involve NATO, and warns that any arms shipments to Kiev will become a legitimate target for its forces.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the United States and NATO are taking a direct part in the conflict in Ukraine with arms supplies and training of Ukrainian military on the territories of the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and other countries.

The Kremlin noted that the West’s policy of nurturing Ukraine with weapons does not contribute to Russia-Ukraine negotiations and will only have a negative effect.
