Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
Bandera inglesa
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name of Prensa Latina



Italian city mayor supports struggle of Saharawi people

Rome, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) Davide dale Bosco, mayor of the Italian town of San Giorgio Begarello, in the region of Lombardy, received a group of Saharawi children ambassadors of peace accompanied by the delegate of the Polisario Front, Omar Hassena.

The visitors arrived a few days ago in this northern region as part of the program “Holidays in Peace”, according to local sources.

During the reception, Bosco renewed support for the struggle of the Saharawi people and their just cause, and said that the humanitarian aspect is important in his interests and his council to follow the developments around the Western Sahara issue, in the hope of achieving justice.

He further expressed that the city council and the citizens are very happy to welcome the children of Western Sahara in their city, wishing them a happy stay, and reaffirmed that all facilities are put at their disposal to spend a pleasant vacation.

For his part, the Polisario Front representative in the region of Lombardy, Omar Hassena, thanked the Italian city and its authorities in the name of the Saharawi people and the Saharawi government.

He asked for the commitment of the citizens and of the city council in ‘constant support for the struggle for self-determination of his people and support for making visible the suffering of human rights activists unjustly imprisoned in Morocco’.
