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Debate on consequences of child abuse in Colombia

Bogota, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) Specialists from various scientific fields in Colombia are meeting in this capital on Thursday to provide solutions to deal with child abuse and its repercussions on the youngest generations.

Dr. Isabel Cuadros, a specialist in Psychiatry and executive director of the Association Affection against Child Abuse, told Prensa Latina that the debates will deal with sexual abuse, violence against adolescents, and suicide at an early age, which may be caused by aggressive manifestations against minors.

The expert also emphasized the need to raise people’s awareness about the importance of creating many more organizations in the country to attend to the victims of sexual abuse.

The results of projects related to the subject will also be analyzed, such as the one in the Palermo clinic, in this capital, to reduce all expressions of mistreatment against children.

Several institutions that seek to combat this problem converge in the Pre-Congress of the Association Affection against Child Abuse, which began on Wednesday and ends today, at the Konrad Lorenz University Foundation.

According to figures from the National Police, in 2023 alone, of a total of 12,532 cases of domestic violence, children were the most affected with 7,663 reports, or more than half of the total, followed by adolescents with 4,869 records.

Meanwhile, a statistical bulletin of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare indicated that during the past year, 69,660 children and adolescents were in processes of restoration of rights, mostly due to omission or negligence, sexual violence, street situation, abandonment, physical and psychological violence.
