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Cuban experts to facilitate analysis of climate impacts

Havana, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban experts are working on a national information system on the manifestations of climate change in the agricultural, forestry and other sectors associated with land use, FAO informed on Thursday.

Decision-makers and actors linked to agrifood systems will be able to access updated and accurate data and increase their knowledge on the subject, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) referred.

On a technological platform, the Climate Change Information System for Agriculture (SICCA) facilitates the collection, monitoring and recording of climate actions taken in the agrifood sector.

According to the announcement, the initiative is part of the project to build technical and institutional capacities to address climate change (CBIT-AFOLU), implemented by the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture, with technical assistance from FAO and financing from the Global Environment Facility.

Aimed at users in the agricultural, forestry and other land-use sectors, the system will enable institutions to record and share relevant information on their climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, the UN agency revealed.

It will further ensure access to the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management System for the agrifood sector, a tool designed to provide more accurate figures on atmospheric emissions.
