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China repudiates NATO’s belligerent language

Beijing, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) China rejected the belligerent language, defamation and exaggerations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) regarding Asia-Pacific.

According to Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lin Jian, the Washington Declaration following the NATO Summit exaggerates tensions in the Asia-Pacific region and is full of prejudices and provocations against China.

The spokesman expressed Beijing’s strong discontent and opposition, and confirmed that the Chinese Government submitted a formal protest to NATO.

Lin Jian pointed out that the summit is part of the organization’s 75th anniversary, during which the United States and NATO tried to highlight their unity and present themselves as defenders of peace.

However, the spokesman stressed that the bloc is a remnant of the Cold War, characterized by confrontation and alliance policy.

Lin Jian recalled the bombardments of Yugoslavia by NATO, and the tragic situations in Afghanistan and Libya as examples of how the bloc’s intervention brings chaos and destabilization.

He noted that the security proclaimed by NATO is often achieved at the expense of the security of other countries, and that the creation of fictitious enemies is a common tactic by the organization.

Regarding Ukraine, Lin Jian described NATO’s accusations about China’s responsibility in the conflict as unfounded, and highlighted Beijing’s objective and fair stance, and its internationally recognized constructive role.

The official accused NATO of spreading disinformation without evidence with the intention of undermining relations between China and Europe.
