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China rejects US accusation of alleged military support for Russia

Beijing, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned Washington's accusations about the China's alleged support for the Russian defense industry in the conflict with Ukraine.

Spokesman Lin Jian expressed Beijing’s strong discontent and opposition to the continuous dissemination of false information by Washington without presenting any concrete evidence.

In this regard, he recalled that since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, the United States has spread rumors about China’s military support for Russia, without providing any substantial evidence.

This is despite the fact that even U.S. military officials admitted that Beijing has not provided military assistance to Russia in the conflict, Lin noted.

The spokesman shared some data that show the US country’s double standards on the issue.

He claimed that more than 60 percent of the weapon’s components and dual-use items imported by Russia come from the West; 95 percent of the key components of Russian equipment destroyed by Ukraine are also of Western origin and 72 percent of these components are supplied by US companies.

The spokesman also noted that the United States and its allies did not disrupt trade with Russia, with a bilateral volume of more than 130 billion dollars last year.

In addition, Lin emphasized that most of the world’s nations have not engaged in sanctions or suspended trade with Moscow.

“The United States cannot blame China for its own hypocrisy and double standards,” Lin pointed out.

He criticized Washington for approving large aid packages to Ukraine while groundlessly accusing normal trade relations between Beijing and Moscow, which he called a clear display of double standards.
