Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Russian security thwarts attack on Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Moscow, Jul 10 (Prensa Latina) Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) reported having prevented a terrorist attack by the Ukrainian special services on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

The FSB explained that the attack on the ship would be carried out at its base in the city of Murmansk, in northwest Russia, to which end a Ukrainian agent tried to incite a Navy officer serving on the aircraft carrier into committing the crime.

In order to achieve his goal, the Ukrainian agent first promised to pay a large sum of money and travel to Finland with a false passport, then threatened the officer with criminal proceedings for financing the Ukrainian Army using false evidence.

The Russian officer reported the incident to the FSB. Subsequent contacts with the Ukrainian agent took place under the control of the security service.

According to the information, the Ukrainian agent sent the Russian officer the components to make an incendiary bomb through a transport company, and assured him that as soon as he sent a video of the attack he would be evacuated to Finland, and that the false passport and the money were already in a dead drop.

In the words of the Ukrainian agent himself, the operation was run under the personal control of the head of intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kiril Budanov.

The crew of the aircraft carrier simulated a fire aboard. The officer recorded the “arson” and sent the video to the Ukrainian agent, who immediately deleted his online accounts.

The FSB investigation unit opened a file against the Ukrainian agent and other unidentified individuals on charges of recruitment and incitement to commit terrorist crimes.
