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Hungarian PM blames the West for the war in Ukraine

Budapest, Jul 9 (Prensa Latina) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said today in the United States that peace in Ukraine will only be possible if the world powers cease their support for the war.

The head of government is in the US to participate in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit and arrived there from China, according to the national press.

The growing suffering of the war should push world powers to abandon war-supporting policies and instead bring Russia and Ukraine to a ceasefire and peace negotiations, Orban said on the social network Facebook.

Hungary currently holds the pro tempore presidency of the European Union (EU), but opposes the policies of sanctions emanating from the community body against Moscow since February 2022.

Besides, from the heart of the integrationist mechanism there are questions about the internal policies applied by Orban and his government which has been questioned by the former high officials of the integrationist bloc.

After the elections to the EU parliament there was a renewal of these powers, however the EU hastened to say that the recent visits of the Magyar leader to China and Russia were as prime minister and not in representation of the 27 (the countries that make up the bloc).

NATO member countries, of which Hungary is also a member, were also upset by Orban’s meetings, since the Alliance supports Ukraine and considers Russia to be solely responsible for the war.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto, reiterated today that his country will not participate in the measures of support to Ukraine that NATO is expected to approve at the meeting and assured that this central European country will remain on the sidelines and will not supply weapons or soldiers, nor will it participate in the financing of Kiev.
