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Cuban heritage space reopens in summer

Camagüey, Cuba, July 9 (Prensa Latina) One of the emblematic spaces of traditional music in Cuba, the Casa de la Trova Patricio Ballagas, is ready today as a summer option in this city with the premise of national culture as a proposal of identity.

On the 12th of this month, the space that belongs to the Artex Cultural Centers company will once again show its best clothes.

“With the joint work between Uneac and the Directorate of Culture,” said Kenny Ortigas, head of the province’s Culture sector.

“We know that it is a product with an important impact on the population, an indispensable site for Cuban popular culture,” Ortigas said at a press conference.

The property that opened its doors in 1971 is located near Agramonte Park, the former Plaza de Armas, and is also visited by a significant number of city tourism lovers.

Ortigas himself explained that from the summer programming itself, “it contributes to everything that has to do with decolonization, and searching for our roots, with a design that will benefit not only the public but the artists in economic matters.” ”.

A space dedicated to young people and university students in its programming, with guests from the Hermanos Saíz Association, poets and trova exponents will make the Casa de la Trova another option “to have the best of our culture, a genuine product”, to say Yoseily Góngora, represents the Artex group in Camagüey.

Nights dedicated to son, exchange clubs with artists in defense of Cuba’s musical heritage, will be included in the design of a schedule where Cuban and Caribbean roots are the center of attraction and driving force as a cultural proposal.
