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China’s policy highlighted in El Salvador

San Salvador, Jul 9 (Prensa Latina) China maintains the five principles of peaceful coexistence that characterize its foreign policy to make new and greater contributions to humanity, an analyst in El Salvador said.

David Hernández, writer, and master in Political Science and Ph. D. at the Universities of Hannover and Berlin, Germany, in an opinion article “China: five principles of peaceful coexistence” addresses Beijing’s policy, which in its 70th anniversary “shows China’s firm determination to follow the path of peaceful development”.

It cites a speech by the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, last June, during the 70th anniversary of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, in which he said “to carry forward the five principles of peaceful coexistence and build hand in hand the community of shared future of humanity”.

On that occasion, he recalled “the five basic principles summarized in mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

These statements, Rodriguez said, set a historical benchmark for international relations and the rule of law, as they reflect the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, correspond to the current development of international relations and are in line with the fundamental interests of all the peoples of the world.

He added that Xi, on the 70th anniversary of these five principles, called for: persisting in the principle of sovereign equality, advocating an egalitarian and orderly multipolar world, ensuring the overall stability and constructiveness of the process of global multipolarization.

He also called for consolidating the basis of mutual respect among peoples, upholding the “golden rule” of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, rejecting bloc-to-bloc confrontation and the formation of small circles, and realizing the prospect of peace and security by promoting the Global Security Initiative (GSI) through cooperation.
