Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Solidarity container leaves Alicante for Cuba

Madrid, Jul 8 (Prensa Latina) A 40-foot solidarity container left Alicante, Spain, bound for Cuba, specifically for the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Havana.

The information was provided by José Manzaneda, coordinator of Cubainformación, in a press release that adds that the cargo is worth some 100,000 euros and consists of medical supplies.

The “Miguel Hernández” Association of Friendship with Cuba was in charge of the shipment, as part of a solidarity operation coordinated by Dr. José Ignacio Fernández Montequín.

The materials collected were made possible thanks to the collaboration of the health sections of the Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) union in the hospitals of San Juan de Alicante and Villajoyosa, in addition to other items that were donated by the “Ni un pas enrere” Association of El Campello to the National Center of Art Schools (CENEART), and by various individuals. In the words of Jesús Gil, president of the “Miguel Hernández” Association of Friendship with Cuba of Alicante, the action is framed “in the constant activity to denounce the criminal United States blockade against Cuba, hardened by 243 additional measures taken by the Donald Trump administration and continued by the Joe Biden Government.

A genocidal policy aimed at making Cuba surrender by hunger and shortages of all kinds, something they have not been able to achieve, due to the heroic resistance of its people, Gil added.

The objective of loading the container, not without difficulties, was achieved thanks to the solidarity commitment of more than 30 activists from different political organizations, the “Divina Pastora” Association of Neighbors, the “Miguel Hernández” Association of Friendship with Cuba and individuals, the source said.

“It was a stimulating act of solidarity with the Cuban Revolution that, for us, today more than ever, is essential for its dignity, internationalist and anti-imperialist solidarity, an example in the construction of a more just, supportive and socialist world,” Gil stated.
