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Venezuela reaffirms civic-military doctrine of the Revolution (+Foto)

Caracas, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reaffirmed the civic-military nature as a doctrine of the Revolution, during the ceremony on Friday on the 213th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and the Day of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB).

In the Courtyard of Honor of the Military Academy, accompanied by the first combatant and lawmaker to the National Assembly, Cilia Flores; Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino, and the high command of the FANB, the president pointed out that “people who have eyes should see, those who have ears should hear, and hear well.”

Before soldiers and officers from the entire army, Maduro indicated that his message is the real and deep conscience of a Bolivarian National Armed Force, re-founded in the original anti-colonialist principles of Francisco de Miranda, Antonio Jose de Sucre and Ezequiel Zamora.

The head of State noted that this army was created as a force with its weapons to “break the backbone of the most powerful empire that existed at that time and see it reduced to ashes at its feet.”

That is the National Armed Force of the General of the Sovereign People Ezequiel Zamora, who sang on the battlefields on his horse, he asserted.

Maduro pointed out that it is the FANB of Bolivar and Zamora and was re-founded by Eternal Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) for the rebirth on the new path of the 21st century, guaranteeing the territorial integrity of our beloved homeland and internal security.

The leader remarked that “there are no differences, there are no distances between the people and the military,” because this is the doctrine that saw the birth of the popular armies of Bolivar and Zamora.

Maduro noted that the FANB is Bolivarian and follower of Chavez’s thoughts, and bases its order and strength on civic-military unity to guarantee the people’s democracy.
