Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
Bandera inglesa
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuban union traders praise the role of public administration

Santa Clara, Cuba, Jul 4 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the National Union of Public Administration Workers Yaisel Pieter stressed here on Thursday the relevance of this sector in its political and government management and in the provision of services to the Cuban population.

During the national ceremony for the anniversary, held in this city in central Cuba, the head of the sector’s workers said that the Public Administration is not only a gear of the State, it is a fundamental pillar for the welfare of our society.

“Each one of you plays a crucial role in the management of services and in the construction of a better future,” he noted.

“Commitment to the people must be the driving force behind our work. We must work ethically, efficiently and responsibly to achieve the maximum satisfaction of the needs of our population,” Yaisel said.

During the activity, recognition was given to the collectives and outstanding workers, as well as the Enrique Hart Davalos distinction, the highest decoration of the Union.
