Saturday, September 07, 2024
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UN Security Council to analyze situation in Haiti

United Nations, Jul 3 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations Security Council will analyze the situation in Haiti in an effort to renew the mandate of the United Nations Office in that country.

The meeting will also review the work of the UN political Mission in Haiti.

The humanitarian situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate, in a context of insecurity aggravated by armed gangs, whose power has spread to over more than 80 percent of the capital.

The United Nations Mission in Haiti recorded 3,252 homicides between January and May, compared to 2,453 in the previous reporting period (August-December 2023), mainly perpetrated by members of gangs operating in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince and the department of Artibonite.

The Electoral Transition Council, which was officially installed in the last three months, is made up of seven voting members, representing political parties and the private sector, as well as two non-voting observers from civil society and the religious community.

Garry Conille, a doctor and former United Nations official, was selected as interim prime minister of the Government in charge of managing the crisis, ensuring the deployment of the Multinational Mission to counter insecurity and calling elections.

Security, a constitutional reform and the elections scheduled for February 2026 stand out as the Council’s priorities.
