Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Unions see France in danger due to the rise of the extreme right wing

Paris, Jul 1 (Prensa Latina) Leaders of several of the main trade unions in France considered that the country is in danger due to the advance of the extreme right, after the triumph of National Rally (RN) in yesterday's legislative elections.

The general secretary of the French Democratic Confederation of Labor (CFDT), Marylise Léon, described as a danger at our doorstep the victory of the party led by Marine Le Pen and its chances of reaching next Sunday, in the second round, the absolute majority in the National Assembly, which would bring it to power.

Faced with the possibility of coming to power, political calculations are not valid, and in the second round, the worst placed candidates should abandon in favor of the best placed to defeat those of RN, she said in a call on social media, similar to the one launched from the left and the ruling party, which ended up in that order in the legislative elections.

The data confirmed by the Ministry of Interior show the extreme right and its allies with 33% of the votes, the left-wing New Popular Front bloc with 28% and the ruling coalition Together with 20%.

Also the general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Sophie Binet, warned about the threat of the extreme right and its unprecedented advance, since it had dominated on June 9 in the European elections and the day before won the first round of the parliamentary elections.

We see a mortal danger for the Republic, but nothing is decided, if everyone assumes his responsibilities, we will be able to put social progress on the agenda, she warned in her account on X.

Leaders of other unions, such as UNSA, of farmers and of small businesses added their voice of concern to the positions set by the two main workers’ organizations in France.
