Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Trial begins on assassination attempt against former Argentine leader

Buenos Aires, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The Federal Oral Court 6 opened today the first hearing of the trial for the attempted assassination of former Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández, perpetrated in 2022.

According to Página 12, the trial will be conducted by judges Sabrina Namer, Adrián Grunberg and Ignacio Fornari.

Fernando Sabag, Brenda Uliarte and Nicolás Carrizo will be tried, and the prosecution will be in the hands of prosecutor Gabriela Baigún.

A total of 277 witnesses have been accepted and among the key statements are those of Fernández and the police officers in charge of her protection.

On September 1, 2022, Sabag pointed a gun at the head of the former president when she was greeting people gathered outside her home in the Recoleta neighborhood of the capital.

Although he pulled the trigger, the gun -which had five bullets- failed to shoot and the individual was arrested by citizens who handed him over to the Federal Police (PFA).

During searches at his home, the PFA found 100 bullets and a laptop, which was analyzed together with his cell phone, whose information was erased in the hands of the experts for an unknown reason.

The individual has tattoos with Nazi symbols such as the black sun and his profiles on social networks were deleted after the fact.
