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Trade union to reject bill in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The Autonomous-Argentinian Trade Union (CTA-A) confirmed on Wednesday its participation in a rally called for Thursday, June 27, to reject the so-called Omnibus Law, which will be analyzed again in the Chamber of Deputies.

After being approved by the Senate with modifications, the bill that grants legislative powers to President Javier Milei returns to the lower house of Congress despite the rejection of thousands of people who demonstrated against it on June 12.

This bill transfers public power to the president to continue governing by decree, strengthen the repressive aspects of social control, labor flexibilization, and the delivery of the national heritage and public goods, destroy industry, and favor the large transnational corporations, CTA-A secretary general Hugo Godoy stated.

Godoy added, “We reject that bill and demand the immediate repeal and annulment of the Decree of Urgency and Necessity (DNU) 70/23 to prevent the Constitution from being reformed in this way. The trade union decided to continue in a state of struggle and mobilization. We will march to Congress and articulate all actions in unity with the different sectors of the popular field.”

The CTA-A joined the statements made by the Argentine State Workers’ Association (ATE) and other organizations that will mobilize this Thursday.
